🎢 "Your place to discover atmospheric music playlists!"

Dive into a world of chill vibes, calming soundscapes, meditative tunes and epic atmospheres on the 'Ambient Playlist Blog'!
Designed to help curators reach a wider audience, help artists to find new playlists to pitch their music to and help listeners to comfortably listen to new amazing music on lots of different playlists, this project aims to benefit all fans and friends of Ambient and atmospheric music.

πŸ”Š Please help spreading the word about the 'Ambient Playlist Blog'!
◽ All featured curators and artists benefit from it - and so do you as a listener!
πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ Thank you for your support! - Simon | Imagine The Sea

◀ πŸ“Œ Discover the community support features! πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

🎼 Discover great opportunities for Ambient and atmospheric music artists on the 'News' page (label offers, publicly available collaborations, etc)!
πŸ”— Connect with other artists and find Ambient musicians in your local area for jam sessions, collaborations and more - internationally on the 'Local Ambient Hub'!
πŸ’» Visit the "Tools & Helpful Things" page and find helpful tools and links to webpages, which make your life easier by solving very specific tasks!

πŸ“… New playlists on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 18:00 CEST (UTC+2)!

Want to get featured here as well? - The 'Ambient Playlist Blog' is looking for your playlists! - If you're a curator, reach out with your atmospheric music playlist!

🚧 Full revision finished! [2024-04-02]

All 383 posts are up to date now, by the 2nd of April 2024! Wow, I'm happy! 😁
I finally finished the full revision, which was quite a ride during two days! πŸ˜…

Everything is up to date, I fixed things and links and marked playlists, which haven't been updated for over a year as "abandoned", with an "[A]" in front of the title.
Some playlists have been removed, as they were deleted by the curators or became irrelevant to the theme of this blog.

Please share the blog with everyone, before the playlists get outdated again! ⏳πŸ˜…πŸ™

Spotify Playlist: Relaxing Musics with Nature Sounds

"Relaxing Musics with Nature Sounds" is a good playlist to dive into Ambient music with Field Recordings and Nature Soundscapes and great for relaxation, meditation, studying, work, focus and calming down. The curator of this playlist is 'RaphaΓ«l Beaudon'.
You can discover 211 titles here, which have a total playtime of about 11 hours and are best listened to on shuffle!

Direct playlist link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3jONYWOATwCYAjsdiMA6rM
Playlist curator link: https://instagram.com/aceraf83/
[☑ Last revision: April 2024]


  1. Thank you for adding my playlist to your great blog !

    1. You're very welcome! I'm always happy to share new playlists with everyone! Thank you too, for your comment and for having my music on your playlist! :)


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

Spotify Playlist: Downtempo Dreaming

There's a Spotify playlist called " Downtempo Dreaming ", which is curated by ' Fractal Architect ', who created this ...